5 Indoor Activities to Do With Your Dog

As the mercury drops and the snow falls, you may be looking for creative ways to keep you and your dog from getting bored inside of your home. Since taking your dog for a walk in wet weather can be uncomfortable, here are a few indoor alternatives to spend some...

Are You Walking Your Dog Enough?

When it comes to dog walking, one question which many dog owners are unsure of their response is whether or not their dog is receiving enough walk. Despite the obvious benefits of dog walking, ascertaining whether a dog has had enough walk or not then remains a...

Why Do You Need a Dog Walker?

As a pet owner, most times, you find yourself caught up with a busy work schedule and other family responsibilities that you barely have time for your dog. That implies that she would spend almost the whole day alone at home. That could get our pet bored, and you know...

Is Your Dog Suitable For Dog Walking Services

This resource on dog walking services is written for dog owners and potential dog owners.First step: Determine suitability of dog for walking servicesSeek help from a Dog Walker here.    Find A Dog Walker Your Dog Deserves A Good Walk Home Find Pet Services Feature...

Dog Jog / Run

Traditionally dogs are born to work for a living. And most are bred for a particular purpose, like hunting, herding livestock or providing protection. However modern companion dogs today due to lack of proper types of exercise, is becoming Obese! Lack of proper...