As a pet owner, most times, you find yourself caught up with a busy work schedule and other family responsibilities that you barely have time for your dog. That implies that she would spend almost the whole day alone at home. That could get our pet bored, and you know what? Your dog would find an alternative means to get herself busy, probably toiling with your clothes and furniture in a destructive way, which could also be harmful to her.

Hiring the services of a dog walker, no doubt, is a brilliant option as it would save you much stress. Not just that, there are other benefits of having a dog walker take care of your pet needs.

Let’s get started with these five common reasons you need a dog walker:

#1 You Work Long Hours

If your job takes you the whole day in the office or shop, it means you may be starving your pet of the toilet breaks and stimulations she needs throughout her day. Remember, if she’s still young – a puppy – then your attention is very important.

As specialists and qualified vets would suggest, your pet shouldn’t be left longer than 4 to 6 hours. A dog walker is there to fill this space.

#2 Stress and busy schedule

It could be daunting when trying to do the early morning dog walk, get the kids ready for school, run back home to prepare for walk, run home to walk the dog at lunch, make dinner and serve everyone, including your dog and so on. You aren’t any superhero, and you’d only break down completely while trying. And the bad thing is that you may not be doing a sufficient job on the walk.

Why not leave it for the pro?

#3 Events, and Special Occasions

Though you may not be expecting to have such every day, you won’t run away from those exclusive invites from friends and family. There won’t always be those good neighbors and friends to take care of your pooch while you’re away. A dog walker saves you from feeling guilty of leaving your dog at home while you’re away on that one-off occasion.

#4 Your Dog Needs Behavioral Support or Medication

Your dog may be needing regular medication due to a health issue. A dog walker will help you with this while allowing the daily stimulations and toilet breaks.

Also, if your dog has developed anxiety or aggression from a previous home and requires some behavioral support, a dog walker will help you achieve that.

#5 You have Health Issues Restricting Your Ability to Walk

If you’re disabled or got a long term health condition that restricts your movement, then you need a dog walker to give your pet those time out. A trained dog walker will save you the pressure by engaging your dog in those consistent and regular walks. And you can be sure to maintain a happy relationship with your pooch.


Hiring a dog walker is a unique way of showing your dog the love and care she deserves from an owner. At least, you won’t feel guilty of leaving your pooch behind.